Guest Drop-Ins
If you are an experienced rower visiting from out of town, drop-ins are a great way to get some practice in.
The Details...
The cost for guest rower drop-ins is $20/session.
Our current rowing schedule is:
- Evening: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:00 pm (land workouts from mid-September through mid-March)
- Weekend: Saturday & Sunday mornings from 8:00 to 10:00 am
We row on the Snohomish River from the public dock in Langus Riverfront Park in Everett. You will find a map with meetup locations here. Look for the point marked ‘Rowers Meet Here’.
Note: Evening sessions shift to land workouts at Ironhide Fitness, when there is no longer enough light for rowing on the water. Their gym is located at: 1033 Ave D unit A, Snohomish, WA 98290
Guest drop-in rowers must:
- Be 18 or older
- Self-attest that they can swim
- Sign a US Rowing Waiver of Liability
Signing Up:
- Email coaches@milltownrowing.org with the date and time of the session you plan to attend
- Use the button below to pay for your row before you arrive.
The coach will have paperwork available for you to sign when you arrive.
NOTE: If your plans change, please let us know as this will affect line-up planning.
Purchase guest row: